Saturday, January 21, 2012

Life and Knitting

Snow and sleet overnighit followed by freezing rain this morning. Not much accumulation but with that combination quantity is never the issue. I only listened to the local weather for about three minutes this morning. I turned off the radio the minute they started going to reporters based at various locations to report on "conditions."

Kitty, of course, had to see what all the fuss was about.

Piccy's of my Lady Kina. I've bound off and knit one sleeve. Getting ready to knit the back, bind off and knit the other sleeve. I have to confess, until about noon today, I’ve been knitting on faith and trust the the instructions were right. It seemed there were too many stitches and that this was going to be enormous. For the 100th time, I reread the instructions for where I was in the knitting and I where I needed to go and realized that I was at the point where it was time to place the stitch markers and start binding off for the sleeves. It was doing those steps for one sleeve and draping the knitting over my shoulders that showed me that so far this fits!!! I haven’t been this excited since I knit the heel and gusset on my first sock.

I'm really enjoying the Rowan Creative Focus yarn. It's a bit loosely spun, the alpaca content makes it hairy, but I'm glad I am knitting more of a vest with it than a sweater because it is going to be a garment that will keep me warm.

One of the bad things about shopping on the Internet is that since you don't bring the items home in hand, you often forget what you order. I bought several books with just lucious patterns and information. A Fine Fleece, Fresh Fashion Knits, Two Sticks and Strings were all purchased used but are in perfect condition. I also purchased Knit Fix from the KP sale, which has already helped me solve a consistent problem I've had with my knitting.

Because of a major meeting at work this year, I won't be able to participate in the AKF Steps That Count Walk. After looking at washcloths, discloths, cotton swifter covers, I've settled on knitting a couple of lap blankets for kidney patients that can be auctioned off at the walk.

I opened Netflix today and one of the recommended Watch Instantly categories based on my selected criteria was Critically Aclaimed Movies about Mid-Life Crisis. I was gobsmacked. Who wants to watch films like that on a dreary Saturday morning?

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