Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stole Progess

I'm in the final stretch. Have four more repeats of the flower chart and one more chart to complete and then....blocking!!!

Early in the last transition chart, I hit a zen moment when I understood perfectly what each of the stitches was contributing to the design. This pattern has taught me a lot about lace knitting.

I have blocking wires and pins and am hoping in the next couple of days to put up permanently the table I use for cutting out my sewing. This will give me a surface for blocking but it will require some coordination because I can't do blocking and cutting out simulataneously.

Yes, it also means that I am going to start sewing again. I've got tons of fabric and a stash of patterns. Oh, you might ask: Am I not the person who complains that I have so many clothes my closet is over full? Yeah, I am, but hey...who doesn't like a new outfit now and again.

I've been experimenting with swiss chard. What a lovely veggie. I've done swiss chard chips. Oven steamed swiss chard; sauteed swiss chard. I've found that using "real" sesame seed oil eliminates the need for any other seasoning. Check the ingredients label on the seasame seed oil bottle. Lots of brands are part or all canola oil with flavoring. Also toasted pine nuts (just put the pine nuts in the oven at 350F until they turn brown) are a wonderful addition.

I bought Whimsical Little Knits by Ysolda Teague and next on the needles will be an Ishabel from sock yarn.

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