There is a hiccup, or either I didn't understand, in the instructions for the back panel of the hat. A response to my post in the Vogue Knitting Forum on Ravelry soon put me on the right track. I am now working on the front panel, but got no knitting done last night, as I sat down to read Vogue Knitting Winter 1986, and fell promptly asleep in the chair.

I bought the Vogue Knitting 1986 for the cabled coat pattern by Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton. I am struck by what a more substantive magazine Vogue Knitting was in the 80's, and again by that which put me off the magazine in the 80's--small sizes (not much to knit over a 40" bust and 27" waist).

I went to Looped Yarn Works to buy a size 7 circular needle for the hat. I've been buying mostly Knit Picks needles, but since the price rise on needles + shipping; it is more cost effective to purchase other fixed circular's. I do like using KP's interchangeables, but their 16" cable + the tips makes a 24" needle which is just a tad too long when you only need a 16" needle.
I did see the Blue Heron yarn with the silver included. OH MY is that yarn scrumptious to look at and wonderful on the hand. I need/want some desperately. When I checked my email last night, guess what yarns are going to be featured in a trunk show on January 29: Blue Heron Yarns. Yes, it's time to eat Ramen noodles to save money for yarn. I'm imaging a scrumptious cowl thingy in a copper and peach colourway.
I returned to work yesterday. Good grief. Tons to do; lots of changes--people leaving and coming. Getting back in gear is proving harder than I thought. Commuting is such a nightmare. If I had further to go, I could understand it. But an hour and twenty-minutes to go four miles just because a scheduled bus didn't show is bordering on ridiculous...especially as I can walk to work in forty-five minutes.
The knitting group at work is gearing up again, so I am taking my Caron Simply Soft mittens to work on. I've made tortellini in alfredo sauce and Rebecca is bringing me some of her Thai green bean and pomello salad.
This begins day 32 of being soda-free.
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