A skein of Foxen Sheep from 100% Coburg Fox Sheep in Oatmeal. The photos don't do the skein justice. It is a warm creamy colour flecked with fine brown hairs. It is sturdy rather than soft to the touch. Feels
more like Palette than the very scratchy Brunswick tweed I have. I can understand that some would find it scratchy. I confess to be torn between a great desire to knit it and an equally great desire to just stare at it and pet it. Because of the shipping, I won't be able to buy a lot or often.
But this is definitely a treat worth saving up for. Here is the link to the Knitter's Review article that piqued my interest.
If you haven't discovered Knitter's Review, I highly recommend it. The yarn reviews are interesting and informative. I haven't participated in the forums, but I do vote in the polls. Speaking of Knitter's Review and Clara Parkes, I inadvertently had a triple witching in the last 24 hours. I did a survey in November which offered a $20 gift card to Borders Books. The card was in the mail yesterday. This morning I received a 33% off coupon in email from Borders; and also in the mail yesterday were three sizeable FSA reimbursement checks. What better time, I thought whilst munching on my pumpkin scone this morning, to buy one of those knitting books that I can never afford. My first choice was the Opinionated Knitter by Elizabeth Zimmermann. Second choice was Knitting from the Top Down by Barbara G. Walker. Well the Border's at 18th and L didn't have either one--indeed their knitting book section is pretty sad. I considered Ann Budd's Knitting Lace of Estonia; but rejected it because I have too many lace knitting books. Even with the discount, the Shirley Paden book was too expensive and I can buy that cheaper from Knit Picks during the sale. I have heard rave reviews about both the Clara Parkes books: Knitter's Book of Wool and Knitter's Book of Yarn. I went with Knitter's Book of Wool. Total cost to me: $1.00.
If you haven't discovered Knitter's Review, I highly recommend it. The yarn reviews are interesting and informative. I haven't participated in the forums, but I do vote in the polls. Speaking of Knitter's Review and Clara Parkes, I inadvertently had a triple witching in the last 24 hours. I did a survey in November which offered a $20 gift card to Borders Books. The card was in the mail yesterday. This morning I received a 33% off coupon in email from Borders; and also in the mail yesterday were three sizeable FSA reimbursement checks. What better time, I thought whilst munching on my pumpkin scone this morning, to buy one of those knitting books that I can never afford. My first choice was the Opinionated Knitter by Elizabeth Zimmermann. Second choice was Knitting from the Top Down by Barbara G. Walker. Well the Border's at 18th and L didn't have either one--indeed their knitting book section is pretty sad. I considered Ann Budd's Knitting Lace of Estonia; but rejected it because I have too many lace knitting books. Even with the discount, the Shirley Paden book was too expensive and I can buy that cheaper from Knit Picks during the sale. I have heard rave reviews about both the Clara Parkes books: Knitter's Book of Wool and Knitter's Book of Yarn. I went with Knitter's Book of Wool. Total cost to me: $1.00.
However, from looking through the Shirley Paden book, it is now on my must have list as well as Modern Top-Down Knitting: Sweaters, Dresses, Skirts & Accessories Inspired by the Techniques of Barbara G. Walker lots of good stuff in this one.
I exited Borders into a fine misty drizzle. Walked up to the liquor store at 18th and I. Concurred with the staff there convincing a customer to purchase a sample bottle of McCallan 12 year single malt scotch. I advise her to drink half tonight and half tomorrow night. She looked skeptical (the bottle was about four fingers), but two fingers is all you need in an evening. I assured her she wouldn't be dissapointed. I arrived at the bus stop and had a two minute wait. By the time I arrived home, the misty drizzle was falling a bit faster. The road, because it had been treated was fine, but the sidewalks were slippery underfoot.
This is the sort of weather I hate. Give me 2 feet of snow anyday over a wintry mix, especially as it hasn't been above 40F in two weeks and the ground is cold. At least you can slog through snow. Icy roads and sidewalks are too nerve wracking for me. I brought work home and forwarded my phone just in case I need to work from home tomorrow or delay going in.
This is the third snowstorm we have dodged in as many weeks. We'll either be lucky for the rest of the winter of get slammed in February.
Back to yarn. I also bought samples of organic Wensleydale and Organic Black Welsh Mountain. The Wensleydale has a buttery feel. The Black Welsh Mountain is softer than the Coburg. I will post the swatches and opinions on the fabric when I knit them.
Still working on the cabled band for the cable hat. I'm relaxed about the knitting now; don't feel driven to finish it in a hurry; but I do want to finish it soon.
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