Mail was delayed by Wednesday's snow. So my order from 62 Degrees North arrived yesterday. 62 Degrees North yarn is organically produced, undyed Faroes Island yarn. I bought one skein of the light worsted and 100 grams of carded wool to start working with my drop spindle. I love the packaging.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
This Week
Mail was delayed by Wednesday's snow. So my order from 62 Degrees North arrived yesterday. 62 Degrees North yarn is organically produced, undyed Faroes Island yarn. I bought one skein of the light worsted and 100 grams of carded wool to start working with my drop spindle. I love the packaging.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
While I'm waiting for the toe-up sock KAL to begin in the KP Lovers group on Ravelry and my second skein of Foxen sheep to arrive, I've started the Nomad Hat and scarf. This is my first knit with a bulky yarn in years and the work certainly goes fast. The pattern is really simple. Since February is usually the coldest month here, this hat will come in handy.
After last year's snowmaggedon, I think most figured things couldn't get any worse. Wrong! Yesterday afternoon, evening, into this morning turned into the commute from hell for a lot of people. There are thousands without power, unable to either reach the Pepco (the electric company), get the automatic message recording where you can report an outtage or get a human on the phone. On top of that in the post mortem of yesterday's commute, it turns out that the Feds made and disseminated the decision to close at 3:00 to all agencies and jurisdictions at 11AM. The directive was that people were suppose to leave two hours before their regular leaving time or by 3:00 and those who could leave and telework were suppose to do so. Well, when the head of OPM stated this on the radio this morning, Fed employees called in, one saying his agency didn't make the annoucement until 1:55--although everyone knew because it had been reported on the web. Others said managers were relunctant to let them go and expressed a relunctance to telework or that their bosses were relunctant to let them telework. Upshot is there's going to be an assessment of the directives, how they are communicated with the emphasis that employees and their managers are suppose to follow not interpret them.
The other interesting fact is that the people who control traffic at intersections during rush hour are pulled during weather events to plow the snow. So they weren't available to prevent intersection blockage and direct traffic flow.
I left the office at 2:58 and arrived home at 4:21 (had to stop to get cat food). In that almost 90 minutes it went from a heavy drizzle, to pouring rain, to pouring ice slush, which quickly accumulated on every surface and was the real traffic stopper because it made everything slippery, to snow falling like a tropical downpour. During the snow, there was constant lightening and thunder. The lightening was weird colours, but it kept Toupie entertained. By 11pm it was over but thousands were still trying or stuck trying to get home on roads that were parking lots or closed down.
Monday, January 24, 2011
It's Freezing
Friday, January 21, 2011
Brilliant Idea
Cabled Hat
Used three-needle bind off to join the cable band, picked up the 110 stitches and am now on the first repeat of Chart 3: the dome of the hat. This is the really exciting part of a project: when you can really see it coming together.
I ordered another skein of the Foxen Sheep wool today. My treat for tomorrow will be knitting a gauge swatch with the Foxen Sheep.
I've leafed through the Shirley Paden book. It has a spiral binding for the pages which makes it heavenly to read, means it will lay flat when using it as a reference. This book is chock full of information. Paden's designs require a substantial investment in yarn but they are wonderfully classic and classy and embody my theory of making garments: use the best materials you can afford and make them up in a style that will get you through more seasons than you care to wear them.
The Classic Radio Station has been unusually good this week. In celebration of Poe's birthday, there have been several dramatizations of his works. Also Cary Grant was born this week and he was featured in an episode of Suspense. It's sort of fun to hear a pre-Dragnet Jack Webb and pre-Perry Mason Raymond Burr wise cracking in a PI series.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
This Week
Cabled Hat
Still under construction. The cabled band is finished. I did a provision cast on so will do a three needle bind off to join the ends. I've placed the five markers on the band. Bought another set of Size 7 dps (the pattern calls for 6 dpns). All this will be done tomorrow. Piccys are coming.
Foxen Sheep Yarn
Finally a decision. I'm going to make the Limerick Hat. The pattern has been ordered. Purchased size 6 circular needle to night. Will order another skein of the Foxen Sheep in the morning.
Organic Wensleydale Sample from Nature's Luxury
Organic Black Welsh Mountain from Nature's Luxury
The yarn really isn't black. It is a black brown with stray wiry white fibers and a slight russet
Channel Island Cast-On: Mastered. I like the bumps this cast-on creates. They don't poke
Knit Picks Woodland Mittens Kit: Okay, I'm the KP Palette Queen. I've decided what I really like about Palette is that it is a little woolly. I think I'm finding my feet as knitter. I'm not a soft yarn person. I like spunk and personality in my yarns and that's why the rare breed yarns
The appeal of alpaca and alpaca blend yarns for me is the warmth. I know the cabled hat will be warm. Although the Alpaca is soft, it's a bit hairy. The same for KP Cotlin--a blend of Tanguis and Linen. I don't mind that the linen makes the yarn a little rough to knit with.
Perhaps this tactile preference comes from my years of sewing. Part of the knowing what a fiber can do and will be is the feel. When I shop for fabric, it's always a combination of colour and feel. I may be attracted to a particular colour or design, but touching the fabric, moving it to see how it drapes or not is always the deciding factor. I have also sewn 99% natural fibers. Some, like silk, are soft and drapey and luscious. But most are wools, linens, and cottons and each has a different personality.
It's interesting that sock yarn with nylon has taken some getting used to. I made the Ishobel from sock yarn and just didn't like the stretchiness of the nylon-mernio combination. I was much happier knitting the spider shawl from merino. I don't have a lot of sock yarn in my stash and will use some of it for the toe-up KAL next month. But I think I will stick to a yarn like Palette or the fingering weight alpaca for socks.
Because of the convenience of Looped Yarn Works and the price rise in Knit Picks needles, I've been buying the Chiagoo circular needles. Tonight is a perfect example. With shipping, the KP needles would work out to about the same price or a little more plus a week's wait for them to arrive. The Chiagoo circulars have a smooth join and flexible cable like the KP needles and I can also get 16" fixed circulars.
The weather has been so cold that I haven't been knitting on the bus. Last week I finally had to put the thermal lining in my coat. This has put a serious dent in the production rate. But I've been working on the cabled hat before bed and knitting a scarf in a reversible stitch pattern using the Caron Simply Soft in bed.
I've treated myself a bit since the holidays. Bought a book on mittens, Clara Parkes Book of Wool and lastly, Shirley Paden's book on design. The mitten book is really quite amazing. It's the first knitting book I've bought from which I can imagine knitting every single item. I'm at the point in the Book of Wool where the patterns start. The Shirley Paden book just arrived today. Bedtime reading :)
Lastly, my new bra arrived from Bravissimo. It turns out I received the exact same model bra in white (I really need to pay more attention to these things) in the grab bag from Breakout Bras last fall. So, despite the reviews on the website, I knew right out of the package that the bra would fit perfectly and that it's initial stiffness goes away after a few wearings and washings. What is so surprising, after a search on the web, is that it is still cheaper for me to order this and other bras from the UK with the shipping than it is to buy them in the states, even on sale.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Limerick Hat
Have decided to enter the the Moray Firth Gansey Comp. I am going to submit a design and knitting sample for a bag.
Took the Planet Purl Entrelac class tonight online. What a great way to use online meeting technology to teach a knitting technique. The videos in the class are on You Tube for reference, but it was so nice to have live explanation and feedback on the knitting in the videos. Entrelac makes total sense now and it seems a wonderful technique to incorporate into a blanket, cuffs, collars and sweater waistbands (instead of ribbing).
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Unless otherwise instructed by the pattern, I almost exclusively use the long-tail cast on with the usual results...most time I allot enough yarn for the number of stitches to be cast on; sometimes I allot too much yarn and sometimes not enough (which means frogging and starting over). The You-Tube video from Beth Brown-Reinsel eliminates the guess work in the long-tail cast on. Bless you Beth!
If you haven't checked out her book, Knitting Ganseys, I highly recommend it. The photos and instructions are clear. I'm excited to see that she's produced a DVD of the techniques in the book. This DVD is now on my list of items I should treat myself to.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Eyes of the Cat Are Upon You
In these photos, Toupie is atop the bookcase directly behind the computer table. Gives him the chance to look down on me as I read about spinning wheels. Notice in the first photo his shadow reflected on the ceiling.
It's been a long and difficult week. I had to do some research at work involving colleagues who were killed in a work-related accident that has just left me upset. There is an immediacy and intimacy to emails that I've never felt reading letters. Maybe because I am product of the age in some way. People's letters never existed beyond them unless someone kept them. But now so much of our correspondence with others is electronic and will exist in infinity or until someone deletes the file or erases the tape. The same with voice mail. About a month ago, I figured out how to retrieve Graham's voicemail on Skype. It was so real hearing his voice again and it reminded me, again, how polite he was. It has been speculated that historians in the future will have a massive treasure drove of data from ordinary people, like me, to draw from. That will be a good thing. It will make history flatter instead of lots of voices from the top and a scant few from the majority.
Clara Parkes Book of Wool has been the one bright spot this week. It's like a course in "everything you wanted to know about wool but were afraid to ask". I am learning so much. Makes me want to hug a sheep for producing the fibers that give me such pleasure.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Good Stuff
If you haven't discovered Knitter's Review, I highly recommend it. The yarn reviews are interesting and informative. I haven't participated in the forums, but I do vote in the polls. Speaking of Knitter's Review and Clara Parkes, I inadvertently had a triple witching in the last 24 hours. I did a survey in November which offered a $20 gift card to Borders Books. The card was in the mail yesterday. This morning I received a 33% off coupon in email from Borders; and also in the mail yesterday were three sizeable FSA reimbursement checks. What better time, I thought whilst munching on my pumpkin scone this morning, to buy one of those knitting books that I can never afford. My first choice was the Opinionated Knitter by Elizabeth Zimmermann. Second choice was Knitting from the Top Down by Barbara G. Walker. Well the Border's at 18th and L didn't have either one--indeed their knitting book section is pretty sad. I considered Ann Budd's Knitting Lace of Estonia; but rejected it because I have too many lace knitting books. Even with the discount, the Shirley Paden book was too expensive and I can buy that cheaper from Knit Picks during the sale. I have heard rave reviews about both the Clara Parkes books: Knitter's Book of Wool and Knitter's Book of Yarn. I went with Knitter's Book of Wool. Total cost to me: $1.00.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
In my tidying and organizing mania over the holidays, I realized (after looking for a week) that I managed to throw out my vial of needles and stitch markers. I've managed to limp by using the ones left in their packaging. They were mostly the large markers which I don't use as much.
Finally broke down yesterday and made a trip to Looped Yarn Works.
The shop was busy and reminded me of the early seventies when on Saturday afternoons we'd trek over to the Woolgatherer when it was on 21st Street. One of the sales staff was wearing a lovely simple shawl. I wore the purple coat in the hopes of finding a yarn to compliment it. Hence the Cascade and the Giselle.
I did see skeins of Cascade bulky @ 435 yards for $15.00, which I now have in my sights.
But I just like shopping there. It's so friendly, the yarns are perfectly arranged and there is lots of natural light and a large mirror over the fireplace.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Garns Spring 2011 and memorizing patterns

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Minneolas and Spinning Wheels

I saw someone wearing the Snail Hat today.
My neighbors are still coughing. Someone at work has been coughing since November. I am keeping up with my vitamins and drinking cups of lemon tea (slice one lemon put it in a cup, pour boiling water of it and drink. You can keep adding boiling water until the lemon taste weakens--usually four large mugs to one lemon.)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I bought the Vogue Knitting 1986 for the cabled coat pattern by Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton. I am struck by what a more substantive magazine Vogue Knitting was in the 80's, and again by that which put me off the magazine in the 80's--small sizes (not much to knit over a 40" bust and 27" waist).

I went to Looped Yarn Works to buy a size 7 circular needle for the hat. I've been buying mostly Knit Picks needles, but since the price rise on needles + shipping; it is more cost effective to purchase other fixed circular's. I do like using KP's interchangeables, but their 16" cable + the tips makes a 24" needle which is just a tad too long when you only need a 16" needle.
I did see the Blue Heron yarn with the silver included. OH MY is that yarn scrumptious to look at and wonderful on the hand. I need/want some desperately. When I checked my email last night, guess what yarns are going to be featured in a trunk show on January 29: Blue Heron Yarns. Yes, it's time to eat Ramen noodles to save money for yarn. I'm imaging a scrumptious cowl thingy in a copper and peach colourway.
I returned to work yesterday. Good grief. Tons to do; lots of changes--people leaving and coming. Getting back in gear is proving harder than I thought. Commuting is such a nightmare. If I had further to go, I could understand it. But an hour and twenty-minutes to go four miles just because a scheduled bus didn't show is bordering on ridiculous...especially as I can walk to work in forty-five minutes.
The knitting group at work is gearing up again, so I am taking my Caron Simply Soft mittens to work on. I've made tortellini in alfredo sauce and Rebecca is bringing me some of her Thai green bean and pomello salad.
This begins day 32 of being soda-free.