Saturday, April 16, 2011

Quiet Week

It's been a quiet week with even quieter mornings. It has been my habit for years to listen to the BBC World Service from the time I end meditation until I leave for work. Budget cuts and programming changes have ended that habit. Now instead of 3 hours of news from 5:00-8:00, there is 90 minutes of news; The Strand for 30 minutes (The BBC's arts and entertainment program that I found bearable when it was weekly but a real gagger in the last year when it became a weekly show); World Have Your Say for 30 minutes (which I find too distracting to pull out the really informative bits, especially in the morning).

Apparently even Members of Parliament are questioning some of the service decisions the BBC has made in light of the cuts. The ones that have baffled me, even before the cuts, is the loss of the drama and literature presentations. These continue on BBC radio in the UK, why not just rebroadcast them on the WS. I really enjoyed the novels. I've been introduced to some of the more obscure writings on Forrester and Hardy. I am particularly sorry to see the World of Music go. It was an amazing showcase for artists who may not have received exposure to an international audience.

I also miss the business programming. The presenters on these shows took what can be a very dry topic and made it fascinating.

My Contemporary Brewster sock is working out as planned using the Strong heel. I have been able to keep the stitch pattern going as I make the gusset increases. I have one more row before I begin the heel which will be all stockingnette stitch.

Here is a picture of the motif on the cabinet:

The weather simply refuses to act like it's Spring. We had one sun-filled balmy day this week. The other days have been drippy and chilly. All the most delicate blossoms have been ravaged. But I've decided to ignore the weather and follow the calendar and am putting away by winter clothes and bringing out the spring and summer ones because I know at some point we'll have a week of spring-like temps and sunshine before the heat and humidity set in.

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