Monday, July 14, 2014

June-July 2014

Sock Blockers

Yes! I finally took the plunge. I ordered a small size and thought them too large, but they are perfect. My socks dry faster and it is easier slipping them on the blocker than trying to lay them out perfectly to dry.

Eye Surgery

For years now, I have inter-ocular pressure that isn’t caused by glaucoma, cataracts or my diabetes and I’ve been on a daily regime of drops, which has managed but not significantly lessen the pressure. The pressure continue to damage the eye nerve and my vision continues to deteriorate. About two years ago, I had laser surgery on my right eye to create new drainage channels for the fluid. Again, the pressure dropped but remained steady after dropping. Last week I had a trab, a surgery that creates a permanent drainage channel where the eyeball and lid meet. (Shiver inducing isn’t it). I was beyond nervous about the surgery, but for several factors:

·         I have total faith in my ophthalmologist’s skill

·         There’s nothing wrong with being afraid

·         If the surgery works—it will be several weeks before we know—it will stop or severely retard vision loss.

I haven’t had pain as such. Just discomfort, like having a grain of something in your eye that doesn’t move. That is mostly from the stitches. The eye is a bit gloopy in the morning but once I do the series of drops and gently clean my lashes, I can see well out of the eye with occasional tearing episodes. The swelling has gone down considerably and I can almost open my eye normally. I feeling less fragile and was actually awake all day yesterday—I think the tiredness from the stress, the surgery, and the 10-12 hour days I’ve been working the last month finally wore off.

Toupie, of course, is very happy that I am “around”. He immediately was aware that something was different when I came home with the eye patch. Lots of considered staring. He alternated between sitting on top of the futon to watch me carefully when I curled up to nap and curling up next to me. He has gotten used to my neighbor, who has been keeping an eye on me, coming over and even jumped up on the dresser as an invitation to pet me during one of her visits. He was even friendly to another neighbor last evening during our kitchen sink clog drama.

How about a bit of give and go?

I finished the Ann Budd socks using KP’s bare Donegal Tweed yarn. I started a knitting the Weaver’s Socks using KP Essential in soot and the remaining KP Tiger yarn but I have to put these on hold as knitting with black yarn and 1.5 eyes just wasn’t working. I think I shall move on to the Mobius Cowl pattern featured on the cover of Vogue Knitting Winter 2013/14 as a stash-busting project.

Sock picky time!
Bodhisattva Vow

I have been accepted to take the Bodhisattva Vow in September. It is a vow of aspiration that by cultivating Bodhichitta—the mind of compassion--following the Noble Eightfold Path, and the six paramitas, I dedicate my life to alleviating the suffering of all sentient beings. No this doesn’t mean I rush out to do good works. It simply means that through following the disciplines I develop the ability to be genuine, awake and compassionate as skills to help others become the same.

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