Friday, January 6, 2012

1710mg of sodium

I've been eating one raw meal a day for over a month. Took a bit of getting used to but now it's so much easier. But yesterday, I was feeling a bit peckish (I ate lunch at 11:30) in the afternoon and wanted something hot and cooked. I decided on a hamburger. I rejected Burger King. Wandered into 7-11 and one look at their frozen, microwaveable hamburgers sent my blood pressure sky high. The hambuger (not the cheesburger) contained 1710mg of sodium. That's a little less than .75 of the total recommended amount of sodium per day. Sheesh. I fled the store trembling, went to the coffee shop and got a whole wheat bagel toasted with regular cream cheese.

Why are Target lemons .52 each and Safeway's .99 each? Long live Trader Joe's who sells 6 lemons for about $1.50.

I've not been feeling well which I put down to diet. I've cut out most everything that isn't healthy (with the exception of the bagel and a slice of Fresh and Natural Pumpkin Spice cake--justified on account that all the ingredients are organic and it contains no eggs or hydronated oil). I've even had a few coffee free days. I'm starting to feel the difference.

I'm making progess on my Lady Kina. This weekend I will start the sleeves.
Doesn't look like much at the moment. Will post more piccys on the weekend.

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