In our laundry is a table for giveaways. My four drawer wheeled Sterlite container (like this but with 4 drawers) that now holds part of my yarn stash and needles was recovered from the laundry room, a lovely duvet with a cutout cover as well as countless books and most recently a shredder. I understood immediately why the shredder was put there. The teeth had almost seized completely. A little online research into shredder repair, a quick trip to Amazon for some shredder machine oil and voila, I have a working shredder for about $4.85.
I am also preparing two boxes of books to donate to the Center for Design Education at Catholic University. The center is staffed by Ph.D. candidates and runs a low-cost meeting center with meeting rooms and lodging. They have a small area called the library with a television and a rather bare bookshelf. The books are there so that guests have something to read to pass the time or if they are restless at night. So I am donating some of my not to be read again books.
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