I've started my sock, from the toe up. I tried and failed (again) to do Judy's Magic Cast-on. Even watching three You Tube videos demonstrating the technique didn't help my success. So I just did a provision cast on (the Hyacinth coloured yarn at the top of the toe) and soldiered on. By the time the increases for the toe were finished, I'd learned to read my knitting so that I knew without using a coiless saftey pin to mark the increase rows.
I read a customer review on the 62 Degrees North website about the comfort and beauty of socks knitted with their yarn. So my goal is to master sock knitting and making a pair with Faroe Island yarn from 62 Degrees North.
Coiless Safety Pins: I first learned about this from EZ and bought a package when I saw it in the tools section at Looped Yarn Works. I'd previously been using the Knit Picks plastic safety pin markers, but those do have a tendency to break. The nice thing about the Coiless pins is they are metal, thin, and because of they are silver they don't fade into the yarn. They aren't as bulky as the plastic markers and they don't break if you accidently squeeze them too hard.
I am still working on the Nomad Hat and Scarf. I really need to pay more attention to ribbing instructions. I always seem to do k1p1 when I should be doing k2p2 and vice versa. So instead of k1p1 on the scarf, I did k2p2. I thought about frogging and bagged the idea. Changing to the larger sized needles (US10.5) is making the work go a bit faster.
We had another wintry mix event today. I don't do ice or freezing rain so that day was a cat-filled telework day for me. The problem with telework is I am so comfortable, can control the background noise (no wafting co-worker convos about weekend concerts etc.,) that I just beaver away for more hours than if I were in the office. I was so done in by 5:15 this evening, that I had a nap before putting in another hour. My only interruptions were Toupie demanding cuddles.
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