Monday, December 20, 2010

It's A Sock

I've finally done it: I knit a sock. I used Knit Picks Creme Brule Shine Worsted (60% pima cotton and 40% modal-a natural beech wood fiber). The pattern is from Ann Budd's Getting Started Knitting Socks. I knit the 5 stitches per inch sock top down pattern in the largest size; and yes, the sock is too large; but it's the perfect bed sock! Although the book isn't spiral bound, it fortunately lays open nicely allowing you to knit, read the directions, and consult the pictures. And the pictures are clear and the lime green yarn makes it easy to see what your stitches on the needle should look like.
What the photos don't show is the lovely buttery yellow colour of the yarn. Although I like the colour the cotton content means there's very little give in the yarn. Finally I understand the moaning about Kitchener stitch--but I am surprised how comfortable the sock toe is.
Lessons: trust the directions and the pictures.

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