Monday, May 31, 2010

I Found My Sock

Over the winter, I once again made attempts at sock knitting. Finally using Wendy's instructions, I ended up with a very sock-looking bit of knitting....only to lose it.

I recalled several days after realizing that it was missing, that I'd been knitting the sock in bed. A search of futon, night table, under the futon...nil. I looked with great suspicion upon Toupie. Had he made off with it in the middle of the night? A search of drawers, under dressers, the four-drawer cabinet where I stash most of my yarn turned up nothing. I was morose. More for the loss of the Harmony circulars than for the knitting or the yarn. Finally a few weeks ago, I resigned myself that the project was lost. Maybe in the trash; maybe it fell out of my bag at work or on the bus.

This afternoon I was cleaning the top of the small art deco cabinet where I keep my hat, gloves, shawls, and scarves in winter and hats in summer and voila! the missing sock. I instantly understood what I had done. The top of this cabinet is also the traditional storage space for my purse and I often collect items that I am going to take with me in the morning on this cabinet. The sock was under a linen jacket that I've been stalling on taking for dry cleaning. I feel reunited.

I've started the Diamonds and Chevon shawl by Susan Palmer. I may isolate the repeat rows to make the project more portable but it's coming along nicely.

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